We've Joined "Japan Climate Initiative"

We've Joined "Japan Climate Initiative"

After undergoing a document screening, we are honored to announce our participation in the "Japan Climate Initiative" due to the recognition of our activities.

The "Japan Climate Initiative" is a network that brings together diverse organizations to realize a decarbonized society. They are led by three organizations: CDP Japan, WWF Japan, and the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation. It's worth noting that CDP is a leading British non-governmental organization addressing global environmental challenges.


As of September 1, 2023, the total number of participating organizations is 784. We are very proud to be a member of the "Japan Climate Initiative," which includes major corporations, local governments, and research institutions.

The initiative's primary goal is to achieve a decarbonized society by 2050" and accelerate activities toward realizing the "1.5°C target." This 1.5°C target is the upper limit of temperature increase set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and meeting this target is recognized as a significant global challenge.


Our service, clothing rental, has the potential to reduce checked baggage on airplanes and thereby significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Suppose every passenger had 20 kg of checked baggage. In that case, it's estimated that CO2 emissions would amount to 145.1 million tons – surpassing the annual emissions of countries like Israel and New Zealand.


The CO2 emissions associated with checked baggage are unknown to many people. Moreover, reducing baggage allows people to travel more freely, contributing to accessible tourism. We are committed to raising awareness about this issue and actively contributing towards the goal of zero emissions by 2050.


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