How to Eat Ramen for Foreign Tourists (5)  Tori-Paitan Ramen (Whitish chicken bone soup)

How to Eat Ramen for Foreign Tourists (5) Tori-Paitan Ramen (Whitish chicken bone soup)

Tori-Paitan Ramen (Whitish chicken bone soup)

Tori-Paitan ramen is made with a cloudy white-colored soup made by simmering chicken bones and whole chickens for a long time. In addition, many ramen shops add chicken feet (Momiji), pork bones, vegetables, and other ingredients to create a thicker soup.

There is also Chicken Shiratsuyu Ramen with a thicker, cream potage-like soup. It is also called “Chicken Potage Ramen” and is popular among women for its taste and appearance.

The whitish chicken bone soup itself is not a particularly rare soup, as it has been found in Chinese cuisine since ancient times. I love the rich “sand pot clay chicken” soup at Jiyuan Szechuan Restaurant (驥園川菜餐廳) in Taipei City, Taiwan, and the flavor trend is similar to that of rich whitish chicken bone soup.

Tori-Paitan ramen is said to have become famous in the Japanese ramen world only after 2005, making it a fairly new type of ramen compared to the four types of ramen mentioned above. Chicken cha shu pork is a good topping for tori-paitan ramen. Some ramen shops offer yuzu kosho (Japanese citrus pepper) for the light taste of tori-paitan ramen.

Tori-Paitan ramen has a short history of becoming mainstream, and there does not seem to be any famous ramen that can be called “local specialty ramen,” with individual shops and affiliated shops competing with each other for the best taste.




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