Authentic Artisan Experience in Tokyo

Experience Traditional Japanese Architectural Techniques (6): "Onigawara"

Experience Traditional Japanese Architectural T...

    At the Kigumi Museum, you can experience more than just timber framing—many traditional Japanese architectural techniques are on display here. Most of these have been registered as UNESCO...

Experience Traditional Japanese Architectural T...

    At the Kigumi Museum, you can experience more than just timber framing—many traditional Japanese architectural techniques are on display here. Most of these have been registered as UNESCO...

Experiencing Traditional Japanese Architectural Techniques (5): "Wa-Kugi" (Japanese Nails)

Experiencing Traditional Japanese Architectural...

At the Kigumi Museum, visitors can experience more than just timber framing; most of these techniques are registered as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage under "Traditional skills, techniques, and knowledge for...

Experiencing Traditional Japanese Architectural...

At the Kigumi Museum, visitors can experience more than just timber framing; most of these techniques are registered as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage under "Traditional skills, techniques, and knowledge for...

Japanese Traditional Crafts—Once Lost, They May Never Return: How to Support Japanese Artisans with Experience Tour

Japanese Traditional Crafts—Once Lost, They May...

  Japan is home to numerous exquisite traditional crafts, but they are not automatically preserved through generations. The market for traditional crafts plummeted from ¥540 billion in 1983 to ¥87...

Japanese Traditional Crafts—Once Lost, They May...

  Japan is home to numerous exquisite traditional crafts, but they are not automatically preserved through generations. The market for traditional crafts plummeted from ¥540 billion in 1983 to ¥87...

Experience Japanese Noh Theater in Shinjuku, Tokyo

Experience Japanese Noh Theater in Shinjuku, Tokyo

  Starting on April 1st, we launched the premium cultural experience tour "Kagurazaka Refined Wander: Cultural Awakening Around Every Bend," which includes a visit to Yarai Noh Theater in Kagurazaka,...

Experience Japanese Noh Theater in Shinjuku, Tokyo

  Starting on April 1st, we launched the premium cultural experience tour "Kagurazaka Refined Wander: Cultural Awakening Around Every Bend," which includes a visit to Yarai Noh Theater in Kagurazaka,...

Experience Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo and Geisha Performances at Kagurazaka's Ryotei "Yukimoto"

Experience Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo and Geisha Pe...

    Kagurazaka's ryotei "Yukimoto" proudly hosts the 16th Kagura Goyomi event, featuring the Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo performance. They are honored to invite the fifth-generation headmaster, Nishikawa Koryu, from the...

Experience Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo and Geisha Pe...

    Kagurazaka's ryotei "Yukimoto" proudly hosts the 16th Kagura Goyomi event, featuring the Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo performance. They are honored to invite the fifth-generation headmaster, Nishikawa Koryu, from the...

Did You Know about the Johana Hikiyama Festival? Experience It in Kagurazaka!

Did You Know about the Johana Hikiyama Festival...

      The Johana Hikiyama Festival and the History of Johana Town I participated in the Johana Hikiyama Festival and will share about the festival, the history of Johana,...

Did You Know about the Johana Hikiyama Festival...

      The Johana Hikiyama Festival and the History of Johana Town I participated in the Johana Hikiyama Festival and will share about the festival, the history of Johana,...