Deep Connections between Kagurazaka and Fukui Prefecture

Deep Connections between Kagurazaka and Fukui Prefecture

Deep Connections between Kagurazaka and Fukui Prefecture: Experience History with Kagurazaka Street Walk Tours


The Hokuriku Shinkansen Was Extended to Fukui Prefecture

On March 16, 2024, the Hokuriku Shinkansen was extended to Tsuruga Station. This expansion has improved access between the metropolitan area and Fukui Prefecture, sparking excitement across the prefecture as it anticipates an increase in tourists.

The connection between Obama City in Fukui and Kagurazaka is profound, and to this day, the Kagurazaka shopping district supports the annual "Echizen-Wakasa Festival," held within the precincts of Akagi Shrine and Bishamonten. Famous nationwide, Echizen crab, along with other local specialties from Obama City, like grilled mackerel sushi, mackerel sushi, and young snapper pickled in bamboo leaves, are very popular when sold in Kagurazaka.

Deep Connections between Kagurazaka and Fukui Prefecture: Experience History with Kagurazaka Street Walk Tours
The bond between Obama City and Kagurazaka began in 1628 when Sakai Tadakatsu, the lord of Obama, was granted an estate in what is now Yarai-cho by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun. During Iemitsu's reign, Tadakatsu served as a senior councilor and regent, and the shogun visited this estate about 150 times. The road connecting this Wakasa Obama domain residence and Edo Castle's Ushigome gate runs through Kagurazaka.
Deep Connections between Kagurazaka and Fukui Prefecture: Experience History with Kagurazaka Street Walk Tours

Let's Join Kagurazaka Walking Tours and "Echizen-Wakasa Festival"

Walking through Kagurazaka today, visitors can still feel the connection from the Edo period, offering a different enjoyment and perspective on the area. Moreover, buying local products from Obama City at the "Echizen-Wakasa Festival" and chatting with exhibitors provides great joy for travelers.

The "Echizen-Wakasa Festival" held its 14th event in December 2023. It is expected to be held around the same time this year, and we look forward to the organizers' announcements. Once the dates are confirmed, we will update this blog.

Moreover, as the CEO and President of EDO KAGURA Co., Ltd., I moved to Kagurazaka without knowing the deep connection between Kagurazaka and Fukui Prefecture, and this year marks my 25th year here. My paternal grandparents were from Takefu City in Fukui Prefecture, and many of my relatives still live in Fukui. Discovering the connection between Kagurazaka and Fukui after I founded a company that organizes Kagurazaka Walking Tours and traditional cultural experience tours around the area has added an interesting dimension to my life.
Deep Connections between Kagurazaka and Fukui Prefecture: Experience History with Kagurazaka Street Walk Tours
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